Spring in LVM Kalsnava Arboretum

27.05.2019 10:05

Spring in Arboretum surely is one of the most beautiful periods, when everything around is in the carousel of colours and fragrances!

Starting a slow stroll, you will notice that decorative apple trees are in their full bloom in white and rosy tones. Going closer you will feel the sweet scent and the buzzing of bees!

Lilacs suit spring and in arboretum they are represented a lot and in many species and varieties – the bloom is only beginning now.

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Spruces, spruces – white, silver, green and also larches! Their diversity in spring is indescribable! The small new shoots decorate spruces better than Christmas decorations.

The vivid rhododendrons of diverse colours and tones show through the slender stems of pines. They attract not only with their looks but also with peculiarly sweet scent!

The very first peony ‘Early Bird’ must be already blooming in the sun and bring joy to the visitors with its first, fragile blossom.

Springs, especially around May, in arboretum are hard to be put into words – it must be seen and felt! Come and see!

Spring in LVM Kalsnava Arboretum