Mammadaba journal invites to Kurzeme forests!

21.06.2019 09:06


Mammadaba summer journal “Kurzemes mežos” (in Kurzeme forests) invites its readers to go on an excursion to North Kurzeme! From Cape Kolka to the colourful Kurzeme Springs travellers are awaited with numerous adventures and discoveries that deserve to be enriched with a visit to LVM Jaunmokas Palace and with the stories of locals, and also with observations in the forest animal life.

For example, folklorist, musician and teacher Julgī Stalte, who always have stories up her sleeve, in the journal's pages reveals the magic of Košrags and shares her Summer Solstice rituals. “It is magical to go into forest with closed eyes to the sound of vargan. It turns out that it is very easy to orient oneself in nature just to sound and senses, it is important to close eyes, because it activates other senses. At the beginning you stumble, fall, run into tree and neighbour. Afterwards other instincts start working, hundred unnecessary layers are shed. You begin to sense and hear what’s happening around with skin. And suddenly realise that you can go through forest in a different way. During Solstice strong energies are vibrating, this is the best time to attract the good, to recharge,” reveals Julgī Stalte.

Also the first spring butterflies hurry to herald to nature observers about the upcoming summer with the help of superstitions – yellow, white, blue or multi-coloured? Journal gives information and suggestions how and where to indulge in this unusual activity – butterfly watching.


After quenching thirst from spring, when butterflies have been watched and summer Solstice has been celebrated it is time to go to look for forest goods. This time not to spoil taste buds, but to observe the bright colours of nature that can be used, for example, for dyeing yarn. Useful advices will be given by “green” lifestyle supporter Anitra Tooma.

The JSC “Latvijas valsts meži” invites to go into nature and spend time in forest, seeking for inspiration in Mammadaba journals for more than 10 years. Travel enthusiasts are introduced with the most remarkable places of recreation, nature trails, bog trails, towers, caves, lakes, trees and other objects managed by the LVM.