Peculiar beauty of rare plants

30.07.2019 11:07

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The rare and protected plants are very diverse. Part of the rare plants posses a peculiar beauty, which can be noticed only when looked at very closely. Summer is the perfect time to examine and discover the beauty of plants that grow in our surroundings, and also those plants that are not characterised by bright blossoms or fruits.

In unaffected raised bogs, the special protection deegrass Trichophorum cespitosum (L.) Hartm. is growing in large areas.


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“In summer, for non-professional it can be almost unnoticeable, but in autumn it will take a distinct yellowish-orange tone. In Eurasia and in North America it is a widely found species, and it is divided into several subspecies. However, in Latvia this plant is very rare, found only in the western and northern part of the country,” says Ieva Rove, the senior environmental expert of LVM.